Scaling content without jeopardizing brand
We empower every person in our company to create the content they need to succeed, but also give them guardrails so they can’t mess anything up.

Visual Vincent
Creative Director
“Foleon keeps me confident that the assets my colleagues make are both stunning and on-brand.”
Foleon saves me tons of work and time. With templates and Brand Kits, others in our company can create the content they need, leaving me with more time to focus on our brand (and less time checking their work). The templates and Brand Kits I’ve set up for various departments provide a perfect balance between creative freedom and brand control. Access to the Content Builder allows people to edit blocks I built and create anything from ABM assets to marketing eBooks. And they don’t need me to look over their shoulders.

Results Ritesh
Performance Marketer
“I use Foleon to customize our audience’s journey depending on who they are.”
Foleon Docs are easy to scale and reproduce, and we make good use of that. We often create more than one version of a Foleon Doc for different segments of our audience — paid and organic audiences, for example. We do this to emphasize different calls to action for different groups. For organic traffic that we can’t control as much, we’ll have a CTA to move them further through our education funnel. For paid traffic, over which we have more control, we might emphasize demo requests right away. This helps us to get the most out of our budget and resources.

Journey Jerry
Content Ops
“With Foleon, I don’t have to worry about ‘rogue’ content floating around.”
If you’re worried about security around your content, don’t be. If you’re afraid to give others the ability to create company content, don’t be. In Foleon, you can manage all your internal and external content from a central place. With roles and permissions, you decide who can create, edit, publish, and edit templates. You can empower every person in your company to create the content they need to succeed but also give them the safe and secure feeling that they — simply said — can’t mess anything up.

Buzzing Bobby
Business Development
“I use Foleon as a show-don’t-tell sales tool that always leaves my prospects excited.”
Foleon’s interactive format stimulates your audience to engage more, read more, and remember more. I’ve found the easiest way to convince prospects is to show them. That’s why I ask them to send me one of their PDFs — so I can create a Foleon mock-up out of their content. With the templates our designer set me up with, it only takes me 30 minutes to do. After seeing their own content in a Foleon Doc, my prospects are usually interested in seeing more. Not only does this show how much more engaging their content can be, but it also proves that anybody — even those without design skills (like me) — can create content quickly and on their own.