Putting content insights into action
We dropped vanity metrics like "number of PDF downloads" and now track prospects' buying intent with real-time, in-content engagement.

Techy Tom
Marketing Automation
“I use Foleon to measure buying intent and determine who is sales-ready.”
One thing our customers really value is the direct integration with their CRMs. It allows them to see reader engagement on a contact level. This is a huge gain for those who stepped away from legacy formats like PDF. You can see, right in your CRM, who read what, when, and for how long. These insights are useful in so many ways, but especially in helping you decide when to reach out to a prospect. We use in-content engagement metrics to affect lead scoring in our system. And we also use it to help sales prioritize and personalize their conversations. You can set up all types of workflows based on in-content engagement. Notify salespeople once a user has read a certain number of pages, or trigger a nurture sequence when someone comes back a second time.

Saucy Sim
Content Marketer
“I use Foleon's personalization features to cut through the noise and give people content they’ll enjoy.”
People are busy, and attention spans are short. Today, even the most well-written content runs the risk of going unnoticed or being forgotten. Successful content is highly relevant to your readers' interests — almost as if it's been made specifically for them. Beyond simply addressing my readers by their name and job title, I use Foleon's page conditions to show different pages to different contacts. For example, if I know one reader is in the UK, I might show them a pricing page in pounds, whereas a US contact will only see the page with pricing in dollars. I could do the same for their industry, for example, only showing the pages that are relevant. And all of this can be done in one Foleon Doc — no need to create multiple versions!

Sarcastic Sean
Senior Copywriter
“I use Foleon to learn what works and optimize content on the fly until it’s perfect.”
We try to make every piece of content a piece of art. What we don’t do is try to make it perfect right away — since that would be incredibly time-consuming. Instead, we launch a first version and watch how it performs. We look at how much people read, on what pages they might drop off, what topics they find interesting, and how well it leads them to take further actions. With Foleon, it’s easy to make changes on the fly. By continually monitoring these indicators, we can optimize our content until it’s as close to perfect as it’s going to get.

Logical Lisette
Revenue Ops
“I use Foleon’s built-in analytics to quickly get a sense of how our content is performing.”
The Foleon Analytics dashboard gives a quick overview of your content's performance. For example, you can quickly see how much traffic you’re receiving, the average page time, or the bounce rate for your whole Foleon Doc — or on a page-by-page basis. You can then use these insights to set benchmarks. And if you want even more detail, you’ll probably choose to integrate Foleon with Google Analytics or other tools like Hotjar and open up a world of tracking possibilities. None of this was possible when PDFs were the norm.