Overall statistics
- Foleon Docs have an average of 9.5 pages.
- Typically, Foleon Docs have between 4 and 12 pages.
- On average, people read 3.7 of those pages.
- On average, people spend 3:28 reading a Foleon Doc.
- Bounce rates, on average, are only 25%.
What is digital publishing and what can it do?
Foleon Docs are independent pieces of interactive online content with their own URLs. They're typically between 4 and 12 pages and are used for communications collateral such as brochures, annual reports, white papers, corporate magazines, and more. Their unique linear composition helps to enhance comprehension and the ability to retain information. Unlike PDF or print, Foleon Docs are measurable, responsive, and can contain immersive media like video. They also allow you to stay in control of distribution, realize SEO benefits, and achieve new levels of security. In a nutshell, Foleon Docs are a modern way to create powerful business documents and marketing collateral for every stage of the buyer's journey.
In an age where it's of vital importance that communication professionals carefully measure, track, test, and optimize their content, PDFs fall short.
On average, Foleon Docs are created and published within 14.2 days
What can it do for you?
Make your messages stick
The web is a crowded place and attention spans are getting shorter. With rich animations, stunning imagery, and fullscreen background videos, Foleon Docs allow you to create visual content experiences designed for maximum impact.
Increase lead volume and quality
Gather more accurate lead data from your visitors by gating your Foleon Docs with LinkedIn or Facebook. When users access your content via social login, you get information directly from their profile and it syncs right to your CRM.
Land more customers and drive bottom-line results
Close more deals with a first-class, interactive content experience prospects are not likely to forget. Foleon Docs make your sales collateral visual, digestible, bespoke, and measurable.
Energize and align your employees
Turn your internal communications around with immersive content your employees will look forward to. Convey vision, create buy-in, and get your entire workforce excited about your company's objectives.
Foleon Docs have an average session duration of 03:28

- 52.87% of traffic is from a desktop
- 42.10% of traffic is from a mobile device
- 5.03% of traffic is from a tablet
It's more essential than ever that you find a way to stop readers in their tracks
Websites are an important pull medium. They're the place where visitors who are actively looking for you can find general information about your company and its offerings. But websites are often overburdened with content and complex navigation structures. Every page is linked to every other page much like an unruly spider web (it's where we get the term the web).
A Foleon Doc, on the other hand, has a single-path navigation structure to guide your readers in a linear fashion. This keeps your readers engaged for a longer time and increases their ability to retain what they read.
Increase lead volume and quality
Gather more accurate lead data from your visitors by gating your Foleon Docs with LinkedIn or Facebook. When users access your content via social login, you get information directly from their profile and it syncs right to your CRM.
The future of digital publishing
Content consumers are changing their habits. Old formats like PDF don't work anymore. Attention spans are getting shorter. People read less and skim more. They spend only seconds before moving on to the next thing. It's more essential than ever that you find a way to stop readers in their tracks. Interactive Foleon Docs provide communication professionals with the opportunity to make their sales and marketing collateral more engaging and effective using visuals, rich media, and interactivity — and by making continual data-driven optimizations.
On average, Foleon Docs are republished 5.8 times